Arithmetic coding

I really did not intend this blog to become a repository of Haskell code snippets, but I’ve been rather busy as of late, and writing toy code while waiting for a compile to finish has somehow become my primary means of entertainment. Here is the latest.

Arithmetic coding is a remarkably simple and clever thing. The idea is that given some half-open interval [a,b), that is, the interval a <= x < b, we can partition it into half-open subintervals, such that there is one subinterval per character in the message to be encoded, and the lengths correspond to the character frequencies multiplied by b-a. The same procedure is applied, recursively, to each subinterval, resulting in an infinite hierarchy of coverings of the original interval — call it S. Now, if we throw a rock at S, record the point where it hit, and follow the interval hierarchy, we’ll come up with a unique infinite string of characters.

To construct the actual encoding, set S to [0,1), and find out which subinterval S_1 the first character of the message falls into. For the second character, let S_2 be the appropriate subinterval of S_1, for the third character, let S_3 be the appropriate subinterval of S_2, and so on; if we repeat this procedure as many times as there are characters, we’ll arrive at some interval S_n. Numbers that fall in this interval have a useful property: given any such number, call it x, we have x in S_{n-1} (since x is in S_n, and S_n is a subinterval of S_{n-1}), x in S_{n-2} by the same argument, and, by induction, in every subinterval that we picked while encoding the message. Any such x, therefore, uniquely encodes the message: to decode, simply follow the hierarchy.

*Arith> encodeToStream “encodeToStream returns a pair of lists of bytes, represe
nting the numerator and denominator, respectively.”

*Arith> encode “testing testing testing”
(23,[(‘ ‘,(0%1,2%23)),(‘e’,(2%23,5%23)),(‘g’,(5%23,8%23)),(‘i’,(8%23,11%23)),(‘n

*Arith> (decode . encode . decode . encode) “testing testing testing”
“testing testing testing”

*Arith> encode (concat $ replicate 500 “abcd”)

The last test shows the output of ‘encode’ : the length of the message is 2000 characters, this is followed by character distributions (in a practical setting, frequencies would be returned instead of explicit intervals), and finally the encoded message. The entire 2000 byte string is encoded in the fraction 9/85.

Toy code follows. As mentioned earlier, ‘encodeToStream’ is a helper function that breaks the fraction into a pair of lists of bytes; the actual encoder and decoder consist of just ‘encode’, ‘decode’ and ‘freqRanges’, weighing in at 23 lines of code including type annotations and line breaks. Gotta love Haskell.

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Arith where

import Ratio
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M

type RangeMap k a = [(k, (Ratio a, Ratio a))]

encode :: (Ord k, Integral a) => [k] -> (Int, RangeMap k a, Rational)
encode msg = (length msg, M.assocs freqMap, best $ foldl pair (0,1) rmap)
                  freqMap = freqRanges msg
                  rmap = map (\x -> fromJust $ M.lookup x freqMap) msg
                  best (a,b)                  = approxRational ((b+a)/2) ((b-a)/2)
                  pair (a,b) (x,y)            = ((b-a)*x+a, (b-a)*y+a)

decode :: (Ord a, Integral a) => (Int, RangeMap k a, Ratio a) -> [k]
decode (n, freqs, code) = take n $ decode' code
                              findChar x = find (\(c, (a,b)) -> (x >= a) && (x < b)) freqs
                              decode' code = let
                                                (Just (c, (x, y))) = findChar code
                                                 c : decode' ((code-x) / (y-x))

freqRanges :: (Ord k, Integral a) => [k] -> M.Map k (Ratio a, Ratio a)
freqRanges str = snd $ M.mapAccum (\acc x -> (acc + x, (acc, acc + x))) 0 freqs
                      freqs = (\p -> p % total) occurences
                      occurences = foldl (\m c -> M.insertWith (+) c 1 m) M.empty str
                      total = sum (M.elems occurences)

encodeToStream msg = let
                        (len, freqs, code) = encode msg
                        (num, denom) = (numerator code, denominator code)
                        bytes n = unfoldr (\k -> if k == 0 then Nothing else Just (rem k 256, quot k 256)) n
                        (bytes num, bytes denom)


  1. Michael
    Posted February 21, 2007 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for the post! I’ve always found arithmetic coding fascinating in a beautifully simple sort of way. My desire to read your code just might finally get me around to figuring out Haskell, which has been on my to-do list for a while.

  2. Posted March 5, 2007 at 2:36 am | Permalink

    See also:

    for another implementation in Haskell.

  3. Posted March 5, 2007 at 4:56 am | Permalink

    Definitely check out Haskell. Prettiest language there is, really.

    “Arithmetic Coding with Folds and Unfolds” is excellent, although its apparent aim was to produce something that is actually robust and useful, develop a fair bit of theory along the way, and, in short, provide a great example of an expository paper. My post was more along the lines of “eh, I’ve never written a arithmetic coder, before, let’s tr… ooh, I can use Ratio!”

  4. Posted May 16, 2010 at 8:22 pm | Permalink

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